Presentations & Publications |
Psychology Publications
- Finley, J. R. (2025). Expanded taxonomies of human memory. Frontiers in Cognition, 3, Article 1505549. doi:10.3389/fcogn.2024.1505549
- Finley, J. R., & Brewer, W. F. (2024). Accuracy and completeness of autobiographical memory: Evidence from a wearable camera study. Memory, 32(8), 1012-1042. doi:10.1080/09658211.2024.2377193 Supplemental Materials here.
- Roberts, P. M., & Finley, J. R. (2024). The interplay of depression, rumination, and negative autobiographical memory. Psi Chi Journal of Psychology Research, 29(4), 247-254. doi:10.24839/2325-7342.JN29.4.247 Supplemental Materials here.
- Soares, J. S., Finley, J. R., & Roberts, P. M. (2023). Photo age: Temporal preferences for external memory across the lifespan. Memory, Mind & Media. doi:10.1017/mem.2023.8 Supplemental Materials here.
- Kroes, A. D. A., & Finley, J. R. (2023). Demystifying omega squared: Practical guidance for effect size in common analysis of variance designs. Psychological Methods. doi:10.1037/met0000581 Supplemental Materials here.
- Finley, J. R., & Naaz, F. (2023). Strategic use of internal and external memory in everyday life: Episodic, semantic, procedural, and prospective purposes. Memory, 31(1), 108-126. doi:10.1080/09658211.2022.2126858
- Finley, J. R. (2021). Why psychology? The cosmic view. In K. Vaidya (Ed.), Psychology for the Curious: Why Study Psychology. The Curious Academic Publishing.
- Tullis, J. G., & Finley, J. R. (2021). What Characteristics Make Self-Generated Memory Cues Effective Over Time? Memory. doi:10.1080/09658211.2021.1979585
- Finley, J. R., Wixted, J. T., & Roediger, H. L. (2020). Identifying the guilty word: Simultaneous versus sequential lineups for DRM word lists. Memory & Cognition, 48(6), 903-919. doi:10.3758/s13421-020-01032-6 Supplemental Materials
- BOOK!!!: Finley, J. R., Naaz, F., & Goh, F. W. (2018). Memory and technology: How we use information in the brain and the world. Springer. ISBN:978-3-319-99168-9 doi:10.1007/978-3-319-99169-6 Supplemental Materials
- Tullis, J. G., & Finley, J. R. (2018). Self-generated memory cues: Effective tools for learning, training, and remembering. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
- Finley, J. R., Sungkhasettee, V., Roediger, H. L., & Balota, D. A. (2017). Relative contributions of semantic and phonological associates to over-additive false recall in hybrid DRM lists. Journal of Memory and Language, 93, 154-168.
- Agarwal, P., Finley, J. R., Rose, N., & Roediger, H. L. (2016). Benefits from retrieval practice are greater for students with lower working memory capacity. Memory.
- Finley, J. R., Roediger, H. L., Hughes, A. D., Wahlheim, C. N., & Jacoby, L. J. (2015). Simultaneous versus sequential presentation in testing recognition memory for faces. American Journal of Psychology, 128(2), 173-195. MATERIALS
- Finley, J. R., Benjamin, A. S., & McCarley, J. S. (2014). Metacognition of multi-tasking: How well do we predict the costs of divided attention? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 20(2), 158-165.
- Nestojko, J. F., Finley, J. R., & Roediger, H. L. (2013). Extending cognition to external agents. Psychological Inquiry, 24(4), 321-325.
- Tullis, J. G., Finley, J. R., & Benjamin, A., S. (2013). Metacognition of the testing effect: Guiding learners to predict the benefits of retrieval. Memory & Cognition, 41(3), 429-442.
- Finley, J. R. (2012). Retrieval cue variability: When and why are two meanings better than one? (Doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).
- Finley, J. R., & Benjamin, A., S. (2012). Adaptive changes in encoding strategy with experience: Evidence from the test expectancy paradigm. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 38(3), 632-652.
- Finley, J. R., Brewer, W. F., & Benjamin, A. S. (2011). The effects of end-of-day picture review and a sensor-based picture capture procedure on autobiographical memory using SenseCam. Memory, 19(7), 796-807.
- Finley, J. R., Benjamin, A. S., Hays, M. J., Bjork, R. A., & Kornell, N. (2011). Benefits of Accumulating Versus Diminishing Cues in Recall. Journal of Memory and Language, 64, 289-298.
- Finley, J. R., Tullis, J. G., & Benjamin, A. S. (2010). Metacognitive control of learning and remembering. In M. S. Khine & I. Saleh (Eds.), New science of learning: cognition, computers and collaboration in education. Springer.
- Finley, J. R. (2010). Adaptive and qualitative changes in encoding strategy with experience: evidence from the test expectancy method (Master's thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).
- Borgman, C. L., Smart, L. J., Millwood, K. A., Finley, J. R., Champeny, L., Gilliland, A. J., Leazer, G. H. (2005). Comparing faculty information seeking in teaching and research: implications for the design of digital libraries. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(6), 636-657.
Research Presentations
- Pfister, J. D., Hendricks, A. E., Lindo, L. R., Vozenilek, A. C., Chirillo, J. C., Stevenson, K. M., Oats, S. S., Castro, K. C., Finley, J. R. (2024, April). Memory for multi-sensory experiences is stimulated by wearable camera footage. [Poster presentation]. Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
- Finley, J. R., Roush, R., Roberts, P., Pfister, J., Mohsen, S., Hendricks, A., Vozenilek, A. (2023, April). Can wearable cameras stimulate non-visual memory? [Poster presentation]. Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
- Finley, J. R. & Naaz, F. (2021, July 15). Strategic use of internal and external memory in everyday life: episodic vs. semantic purposes. Talk presented at Cognitive Offloading Meeting 2021.
- Finley, J. R. (2019, May). The Interplay of Internal and External Memory in the 21st Century. Talk presented at SARMAC XIII, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
- Finley, J. R., & Brewer, W. F. (2013, November). Evolution of Research Topics in Experimental Psychology: 50 Years of Psychonomic Session Titles. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, Canada.
- Finley, J. R., Benjamin, A. S., & McCarley, J. S. (2012, November). Metacognition of Multi-Tasking. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Minneapolis, MN.
- Finley, J. R., & Brewer, W. F. (2010, September). Accuracy and Completeness of Autobiographical Memory. Poster presented at SenseCam 2010 Symposium, Dublin, Ireland.
- Finley, J. R., Brewer, W. F., & Benjamin, A. S. (2009, October). Reflections of Memory in the Environment. Presentation given at SenseCam 2009 Symposium, Chicago, IL.
- Finley, J. R., Brewer, W. F., & Benjamin, A. S. (2008, June). Memory effects of daily review of SenseCam images for healthy young adults. Presentation given at 2nd SenseCam Collaborator's Meeting, Microsoft Research Cambridge Lab, UK.
- Finley, J. R., Brewer, W. F., & Benjamin, A. S. (2008, November). SenseCam and Autobiographical Memory. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Chicago, IL.
- Finley, J. R., & Benjamin, A. S. (2007, November). Adaptive Changes in Encoding Strategy With Experience: Evidence From the Test Expectancy Paradigm. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Long Beach, CA.
- Richland, L.E., Bjork, R. A., Finley, J.R., Linn, M.C. (2005). Linking Cognitive Science to Education: Generation and Interleaving Effects. In B.G. Bara, L. Barsalou, M. Bucciarelli (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (p. 1850). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Borgman, C. L., Leazer, G. H., Gilliland-Swetland, A., Millwood, K., Champeny, L., Finley, J., Smart, L. J. (2004). How geography professors select materials for classroom lectures: implications for the design of digital libraries. JCDL '04: Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries (pp. 179-185). Tucson, AZ: Association for Computing Machinery.
- Champeny, L., Borgman, C. L., Leazer, G. H., Gilliland-Swetland, A. J., Millwood, K. A., D'Avolio, L., Finley, J. R., Smart, L. J., Mautone, P. D., Mayer, R. E., and Johnson, R. A. (2004). Developing a digital learning environment: an evaluation of design and implementation processes. JCDL '04: Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries (pp. 37-46). Tucson, AZ: Association for Computing Machinery.
- Richland, L.E., Finley, J, R. Bjork, R. A. (2004). Differentiating the Contextual Interference Effect from the Spacing Effect. In K. Forbus, D. Gentner, & T. Regier (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (p. 1624). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Other Publications
- Finley, J. R., & Saberhagen, J. S. (2021, April). Berserkers. In P. L. Frana & M. J. Klein (Eds.), Encyclopedia of artificial intelligence: The past, present, and future of AI. ABC-CLIO.
- Finley, J. R. (2008, October). Hot Spots Near You No. 49: Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden, Los Angeles, CA. Birder's World.
- Finley, J. R. (2006). Hail to the Birds of Westwood. Western Tanager (Los Angeles Audubon Society), 72(7), 1-3.
- Methot, L. M., & Finley, J. R. (2003). The UCLA AstroBiology Society: the first student-run astrobiology organization. Astrobiology, 3(2), 249-250.